5 Best Home Office Storage Solutions

If you’re working from home, your home office space shouldn’t just be functional but also inspire you to be productive. One of the easiest ways to keep your home office well organized for high efficiency is to use the best storage solutions. 

In this guide, we’ve compiled some stylish yet practical home office storage solutions that can keep your space well organized and tidy. 

Home Office Storage Solutions That Will Clean Up Your Space

Ask any professional organizer, and they’ll tell you – getting your home office organized and functional is key to creating a space that will keep you productive. Whether you have an entire room or only have a small space to work with, read on for a few home office storage solutions that will help you focus better and feel relaxed and organized.

Use Storage Boxes

Storage boxes are ideal for storing many office supplies, such as papers, envelopes, and extra equipment and cords, out of view. Hiding the clutter in these storage boxes will keep your home office work-ready. You can label each box based on what it stores so that you can find the items quickly when you need them.

Install a Pegboard

Utilizing the wall space for a pegboard is one of the most valuable home office storage solutions that no one thinks about. Not only do they offer easy access to frequently used items, but they also allow you to store other important things, for instance, documents, in drawers. 

Utilize a Foldaway Home Office Desk

If you’re looking for a space-saving home office storage solution but don’t want to add an additional fixture to your room, a foldaway desk is a perfect option for you. It’s a shelf-cum-desk that provides sufficient space for your laptop and helps keep all your items within arm’s reach. This desk is the best home workstation for anyone short of space.

Another option is a desk that closes so that you can keep your computer and workspace out of sight when you’re ready to relax with your family. You might utilize a pocket door or cabinets that shut. Being able to shut down your workspace at the end of the day can help you clear your mind and keep children’s hands out of your workspace.

Set Up a Fully Enclosed Workspace

Some professionals like to have everything in one place and don’t want anyone touching their things. If you’re one of them, consider setting up a fully enclosed workspace. This means turning your entire office into a storage space! 

For instance, if you have an extra closet, make that your office and storage space. That way, you can store everything you’ll ever need there, and once you’re done with work, you can close the doors, keeping your belongings out of sight.  

Get a Desktop Organizer

If you’re looking for small, simple, and more affordable solutions, desktop organizers should be of great help. Many home office organizers facilitate home office organization. These include file sorters, stackable cubes, and letter trays. They can be placed on your office desk and save considerable desk space.

Desktop organizers are great for mail and everyday documents that you need to access quickly.

Closing Thoughts

Many of us are working from home for the first time in our lives, so adapting to the new work model may take time. One primary concern when working from home is keeping the workplace desk organized. Following one or more of the home office storage solutions discussed above should help resolve the problem.

If you’re working from home, then your life might feel a little extra busy and chaotic. At Dayton Designer Closets, we can help you design a tailored-for-you office desk that makes it easy for you to manage the details of your work life. With custom made cabinets and storage solutions, you’ll be able to store your files, review your work, conceal the mess and keep everything you need within arms reach. From storing electronics or simply managing important documents, we have custom design options for home office organization that will make you feel more at home in your office space.

We know that home offices come in all shapes and sizes. We can help you design the perfect office to fit whatever space you have available. Your home office will fight right in, as we offer a range of design and finish options. The experts at Dayton Design Closets have the tools and experience to give you the perfect office, regardless of whether you have a small desk in the kitchen or an entire room all to yourself. We’ll make it our mission to create a space that reflects your style and helps you focus on your work.

Let’s discuss your needs and give you great design options that will help your office feel just a little bit homier and more comfortable.

To learn more about how to design an ideal home office space, contact Dayton Designer Closets. To get an overview of the home office and organization solutions it offers, click here